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"Access Granted" 39-Day Countdown Campaign launched as lead-up to the final book

To build excitement for the live event, a 39-day Countdown "Widget Clock" was distributed to various outlets online including retailer websites, social media outlets, as well as popular parents, educator, and technology blog sites.
- MarketWire.com
- MarketWire.com
"The word we always used was 'groundbreaking,'" says Scholastic executive editorial director David Levithan. "We wanted to be the first out there to introduce this kind of multidimensional thing."
Publishers Weekly:
The books, the cards, and the Web site each has an equally significant role to play, and there is nothing quite like that in the market. The scope of the Web site and the depth and richness of the online game are very ambitious for a children’s book property, and that, along with the cards and books, makes this series unique.
• The 39 Clues Countdown widget: starting July 23, a countdown widget clock will be distributed to various outlets online, including retailers’ Web sites, social media outlets, as well as parents’, educator and technology blog sites.
• TV advertising campaign: a 30-second commercial will air in 17 markets in the U.S. more than 6,000 times starting in mid-August, reaching more than 17 million households.
"The 39 Clues" also features game cards, a contest with a $10,000 first prize and a sophisticated Web site that includes games, blogs, videos and thousands of pages of background.
"The word we always used was 'groundbreaking,'" says Scholastic executive editorial director David Levithan. "We wanted to be the first out there to introduce this kind of multidimensional thing."
Publishers Weekly:
The books, the cards, and the Web site each has an equally significant role to play, and there is nothing quite like that in the market. The scope of the Web site and the depth and richness of the online game are very ambitious for a children’s book property, and that, along with the cards and books, makes this series unique.
• Access Granted” live global Webcast on August 31 at 4:00 ET: all seven authors will participate via live feeds, answering kids’ questions from around the world. The Webcast can be accessed for free by logging on to a dedicated Web site.
• The 39 Clues Countdown widget: starting July 23, a countdown widget clock will be distributed to various outlets online, including retailers’ Web sites, social media outlets, as well as parents’, educator and technology blog sites.
• TV advertising campaign: a 30-second commercial will air in 17 markets in the U.S. more than 6,000 times starting in mid-August, reaching more than 17 million households.
• 39-Day Countdown online advertising campaign: banner ads promoting the August 31 live online event will run on Facebook as well as other children’s Web sites, equaling more than 15 million impressions.